
  1. Irene Istúriz Petitjean, Quang D. Tran, Angeliki Goutou, Zima Kabir, Gerhard Wiche, Cécile Leduc, Gijsje H. Koenderink, “Reconstitution of cytolinker-mediated crosstalk between actin and vimentin,” bioRxiv, 10.27.564417 (2023)
    Link: bioRxiv
  2. Q. D. Tran, V. Sorichetti, G. Pehau-Arnaudet, M. Lenz and C. Leduc, “Fragmentation and entanglement limit vimentin intermediate filament assembly,” Physical Review X 13, 011014 (2023)
    Open access: PRX
  3. Q. D. Tran, C. Cohen, Y. Bouret, G. Jarretou, M. Poët L. Counillon, X. Noblin, “Rapid microfluidic perfusion system enables overshooting recovery of intracellular pH regulated by Na+/H+ exchanger NHE1,” (in prep.)
  4. F. N. Vincente, M. Lelek, J-Y Tinevez, Q. D. Tran, G. Pehau-Arnaudet, C. Zimmer, S. Etienne-Manneville, G. Giannone, C. Leduc, “Molecular organization and mechanics of single vimentin filaments revealed by super-resolution imaging,” Science Advances 8 (8), eabm2696 (2022).
    Open access: Sci. Adv.
  5. Q. D. Tran, E. Galiana, P. Thomen, C. Cohen, F. Orange, F. Peruani, X. Noblin, “Coordination of two opposite flagella allows high-speed swimming and active turning of individual zoospores,” eLife 11, e71227 (2022).
    Open access: eLife
    Highlighted on Science Magazine.
  6. I. Bassani, M. Larousse, Q. D. Tran, A. Attard, E. Galiana, “Phytophthora zoospores: from perception of environmental signals to inoculum formation on host-root surface,” Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 18, 3766-3773
    Open access: CSBJ
  7. Q. D. Tran, Marcos, David Gonzalez-Rodriguez, “Quantitative characterization of viscoelastic fracture induced by time-dependent intratumoral pressure in a 3D model tumor”, Biomicrofluidics 13 (5), 054107 (2019).
  8. Q. D. Tran, Marcos, David Gonzalez-Rodriguez, “Permeability and viscoelastic fracture of a model tumor under interstitial flow”, Soft Matter 14 (30), 6386-6392 (2018).
  9. Q. D. Tran, Tian Fook Kong, Dinglong Hu, Marcos, Raymond H.W. Lam, “Deterministic sequential isolation of floating cancer cells under continuous flow”, Lab on a Chip 16 (15), 2813-2819 (2016).
    Open access: Lab Chip

Highlighted Conferences

  1. Q. D. Tran, V. Sorichetti, M. Lenz, C. Leduc, “Vimentin intermediate filament assembly is a reversible process,” European Cytoskeleton Forum Meeting, 2022, Hannover, Germany (Poster)
  2. Oral presentation: Q. D. Tran, V. Sorichetti, M. Lenz, C. Leduc, “Reconstitution of vimentin intermediate filament dynamics in vitro,” AQV days 2022, Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, France
  3. Invited talk, “Dynamics of subunit exchange in vimentin intermediate filaments,” Intermediate Filament Annual Meeting, Mar-2020, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
  4. Invited talk, “Mobility of Phytophthora zoospores,” Nov-2019, Institut Sophia Agrobiotech, Sophia Antipolis, France
  5. Oral presentation: Q. D. Tran, E. Galiana, P. Thomen, C. Cohen, F. Orange, F. Peruani, X. Noblin, “Microfluidic study of individual and collective swimming of Phytophthora zoospores,” AQV days 2019: Quantitative approaches of living systems, 2019, Presqu’Île de Giens, France
  6. Conference proceeding and oral presentation: Q. D. Tran, P. Thomen, C. Cohen, E. Galiana, X. Noblin, “Characteristics of collective and individual motions of swimming zoospores,” APS March Metting 2019, Boston, MA, USA
  7. Oral presentation: Q. D. Tran, P. Thomen, C. Cohen, E. Galiana, X. Noblin, “Microfluidic study to investigate characteristics of collective and individual motions of swimming zoospores,” Fluids and Complexity Conference, 2018, Nice, France
  8. Oral presentation: Q. D. Tran, P. Thomen, C. Cohen, E. Galiana, X. Noblin, “Collective and individual motions of swimming zoospores,” GDR CellTiss Annual Days 2018, International workshop “Be Simple: From soft matters to cell biophysics” in honor of Françoise Brochart-Wyart, 2018, La Chapelle-Gauthier, France
  9. Oral presentation: Q. D. Tran, T. F. Kong, Marcos, and R. H. W. Lam, “Microfluidics for sequential particle trapping,” ASME 2016 Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, 2016, Biopolis, Singapore
  10. Oral presentation: Q. D. Tran, Marcos, D. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, “Microfluidic system for studying interstitial flow through a model tumor,” BIOMS | EMBL Conference: Physics of Cells and Tissues 2015 – Modelling meets Experiment, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany